Book Now and get a full day's high quality coverage, with Unlimited high-resolution, images on a personalised USB, Password protected online gallery and includes basic colour correction. Limited dates available. 20% off for weekdays wedding (Monday to Friday) Offer ends 31-12-2020
* Subject to availability
A free pre-wedding photo shoot when you book your wedding photography and Cinamatography.
Unlimited high-resolution, beautiful photographs - Password protected online gallery and includes basic colour correction.
* Subject to availability
Follow us on instagram, like 10 pictures, tag 6 friends and repost on your page to get 15% of on any photography packsges. Dates, times and loctaions will need to be sent and negotiated with #kphotographyuk team.
* Subject to availability
When you refer K Photography to your awesome friends and family and they book a wedding photography package, you'll get a free professional portrait session at your home or a choice of loction with Unlimited high-resolutionl photographs
* Subject to availability